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Classical California: Frequently Asked Questions

What is Classical California?

KUSC Los Angeles and KDFC San Francisco, the two largest classical and only 24/7 music radio stations in California, have had an ongoing partnership since 2011. Classical California is our new brand name designed to use the power of that partnership to do more with digital offerings and events while maintaining the independence of the two stations that have served California audiences for decades.

Why are KUSC and KDFC combining efforts as Classical California?

By strengthening and enhancing our partnership, we can offer you, our listeners, more of the digital services, events, and features you have requested. Alternate music streams, video content, community events that can be shared more broadly, and children’s activities are some examples.

Like you, we believe in the power of classical music and the opportunity to use each stations’ reach and power to nurture the love of classical music beyond the cities we serve. It’s an opportunity to introduce the beauty of classical music to new generations, engage with people who aren’t yet listening to classical, and offer outstanding events for communities in the cities where we’re established, as well as for communities we don’t currently serve.

Does the collaboration between KDFC and KUSC mean there is only one station?

No, there will continue to be two stations and each will retain its local identity and focus. However, collaboration will allow programming initiatives to be shared across the network, plus special events and digital content will allow us to connect with those who live beyond the reach of our airwaves.

Will Classical California result in any major changes to current listeners’ experience with their local station?

No, the local radio experience is not affected. Your favorite hosts are not going anywhere. Classical California provides additional opportunities for listeners to experience the calming and beautiful music they currently enjoy. Hosts, together with our websites and social media outreach, will celebrate all the ways Classical California events and activities can be enjoyed across the entire state.

Does my donation still go to support my local station?

Yes, each station will remain listener supported so your help is essential and very much appreciated. As our reach expands to new listeners, their donations will allow us to add exciting new offerings and events to benefit everyone.

What are some specific actions both stations will take together?

We’ve already launched new Classical California streams like the Classical California Ultimate Playlist, built from listener input across the state. Other specific events and activities being developed include initiatives to spread the love of classical music to children and younger generations and to create unique events that appeal to the aficionado as well as the novice just discovering the joys of classical music.

Will Classical California create a new website?

Yes, however, listeners will still be able to reach local station websites and

In addition, a new site, just launched. In the coming months, a new version of this site will provide access to shared content and programming. Classical California will also launch a variety of classical streams and videos on all of our sites and smartphone apps that nurture a love of classical music beyond the radio listening experience.

How can I learn more about Classical California, ask questions, and share feedback?

Sign up for the Classical California enewsletter at or reach out online at [email protected]; our team is eager to answer all of your questions.

KUSC Member Services
Please feel free to contact our Member Services department with any questions you may have. We are here to help you.
Phone: 213-225-7404
Email: [email protected]

Thank you again for your support!

Written by:
The Classical Team
The Classical Team
Published on 04.06.2022