articles / Culture

Introducing the Classical California Morning Shout-Out!

Each weekday morning at 7:15 on Classical California KUSC, listeners will have an opportunity to give someone the joyful Shout-Out they deserve: maybe your best friend just got a promotion, your child scored the game-winning point, or a co-worker saved the day. Or maybe you want to Shout-Out a birthday or special anniversary.

Classical California’s Morning Shout-Out lets you partner with us to express gratitude, joy, and love on our airwaves!

There are two ways to Shout-Out:

  • Fill out the form below, or…
  • Record your Shout-Out as a voice note (see instructions below) and upload it using this form, or call (213) 225-7542 and leave your message there. Be sure to include your name and where you live, who you want to Shout-Out, and why! Sending us your message implies consent to use on the radio or our social media channels.

You can make a music request with your Shout-Out, or leave the selection to us.

**If your Shout-Out is time sensitive, it’s best to let us know a week or more before the date**

Your Shout-Outs plus our music make mornings memorable on Classical California KUSC!


Tips for recording yourself:

If possible, use earbuds with a microphone when calling or recording yourself (the audio quality is much better). Try to speak clearly and enunciate, and above all, be yourself! To keep background noise to a minimum, if you can, record where it’s quiet.

If you’re using an Apple device like an iPhone, iPad, MacBook, or iMac, you can record using the “Voice Memos” app, starting the recording with the big red button. When you’re happy with your Shout-Out, press the red button again to stop (on mobile devices that’s it, but on others you need to click “Done”). Name the file (use your name) and upload it by clicking the “choose file” button in the form above. You can find more detailed instructions for working with Voice Memos here.

If you’re using a PC, feel free to use any microphone/audio recording software you like. Many computers have one pre-installed, but if you need one, there are plenty of free options available from your preferred app store.


Written by:
The Classical Team
The Classical Team
Published on 04.18.2023