articles / Pop Culture

Three New Nominations for KUSC’s Art Coverage

KUSC is up for three awards at this year’s LA Press Club National Entertainment Awards! The awards will be given out on December 3rd.

Gail Eichenthal’s interview with Iranian director Asghar Farhadi (Oscar-nominated in 2017 for The Salesman) is a finalist for Radio One-on-One Interviews in the “Film Personalities” category.

Listen to the interview below and click here to read more:

Brian Lauritzen’s interview about the arts with Eric Garcetti, LA’s “First Hipster Mayor”, is nominated for Radio One-on-One Interviews in the “TV & Other Arts Personalities” category.

Listen to the interview below:

And contributing reporter Tim Greiving is up for “Best Journalistic use of Social Media by an Individual to tell or enhance a story” for his profile on film-turned-concert hall composer Danny Elfman.

Listen to the interview below and click here to read more:

Congrats to all of this year’s LA Press Club National Entertainment Awards nominees!

Written by:
The Classical Team
The Classical Team
Published on 11.16.2017