articles / Visual Art

Get Up Close to These Rarely Seen Textiles

Detail of a textile at USC Pacific Asia Museum’s latest exhibit | Photos courtesy USC PAM

“This museum really is a treasure, which grows on one after getting to know it even better.” Selma Holo is the interim director of that treasure, the USC Pacific Asia Museum (she’s also an art history professor at USC and director of the USC Fisher Museum of Art).

“I think one could almost say that the foremost object in the museum’s collection is the building itself,” says Holo. That’s why USC recently completed a seismic retrofit of the nearly 100 year old Imperial Palace Courtyard-style building just north of Colorado Blvd. in Old Town Pasadena.

Peek through the windows from the sidewalk, or venture through the museum’s gates and you’ll see a brand new gift shop. Solo says, “it’s very contemporary and relates to the exhibit on view, but also has things that anyone would want to buy any time. I’m already planning my shopping list for the holidays.”

Photos of the new gift shop

Across from the gift shop is the museum’s latest exhibition, Ceremonies and Celebrations: Textile Treasures from the USC Pacific Asia Museum Collection. There are 42 textiles on display from all across Asia, organized not by region, but by themes: gender roles, status symbols, religious significance, and ceremonial objects

Examples of textiles in the exhibit

I talked to the Rebecca Hall, Assistant Curator at USC PAM, about the rarity of finding so many fragile objects out on display, her surprising favorite and the unusual materials you’ll find amongst the garments.

Rebecca Hall in front of the Japanese fireman’s jacket

Hit play below to listen to our extended Arts Alive feature with USC Pacific Asia Museum’s Rebecca Hall.

Get Up Close to These Rarely Seen Textiles

Visit the USC PAM on Sunday, December 9 to enjoy free admission and activities related to the exhibit.

Written by:
Kelsey McConnell
Kelsey McConnell
Published on 04.01.2019