articles / Pop Culture

The Worst Classical Album Covers Of All Time. Ever. Really. Part II

Last week I shared with you a few of my favorite terrible album covers and I promised you more. Assuming you have sufficiently recovered from the first batch, let’s dive into part two.

Appropriate album cover or the stuff of nightmares?:

Appropriate album cover or the stuff of nightmares?

Liszt Concertos … field of wheat. I get it. (I don’t):

Liszt Concertos … field of wheat … house right out of a slasher movie … I get it. (I don’t)

Maybe the photo shoot was the day after MTT watched the documentary "The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill"?:

Maybe the photo shoot was the day after MTT watched this documentary.

Darling, I think something’s wrong with my glasses:

Darling, I think something’s wrong with my glasses

Beware the killer pigeon! (Salome would be proud.):

Beware the killer pigeon! (Salome would be proud.)

What should I expect from a symphony about a bad acid trip? Why, conjoined twins attached at the eyeball, of course.:

What should I expect from a symphony about a bad acid trip? Why, conjoined twins attached at the eyeball, of course

It ain’t over until she sings. Tristan probably wishes Brangäne hadn’t switched the poison to a love potion.:

It ain’t over until she sings. Tristan probably wishes Brangäne hadn’t switched the poison to a love potion.

Glad to see Ravel is getting in on that street art trend. How hard do you think it is to tag the sky?:

Glad to see Ravel is getting in on that street art trend. How hard do you think it is to tag the sky?


And on that totally radical note, I will wrap up this exploration of The Worst Classical Album Covers Of All Time… until next time.

Written by:
Brian Lauritzen
Brian Lauritzen
Published on 08.31.2016