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How do I cancel my KUSC Sustaining Membership?
To cancel your sustaining membership, please submit the following form.
Questions about Vehicle donation
Frequently Asked Questions about donating your vehicles
Our Fall Membership Campaign Ends Today | Give Now
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We Did It | Thank You!
KUSC reached its fiscal year end goal of $100,000 in a single day, shortening a planned 48-hour pledge drive. Donations are still welcome until June 30 to support classical music.
Help Us With a Vital Dollar-for-Dollar Match!
KUSC is seeking final fiscal year donations, with a goal of $100,000. All one-time donations of $120 will be matched dollar-for-dollar until 7pm tonight. Support classical music today!
Thanks for Supporting KUSC During Our Spring Membership Drive!
This is a thank you note to supporters for their contributions during a recent drive, emphasizing the importance of classical music and encouraging further donations.
It’s the Last Day of Our Spring Membership Drive!
KUSC's final fundraising drive is underway, offering thank you gifts for donations. Contributors are automatically entered into a BOSE Sweepstakes. Act now, the drive ends today!
How the Eaton Fire is Affecting KUSC Reception
Eaton Fire Transmitter FAQ
How to allow allow push notifications on App
How to turn on push notifications for your iOS or Android app
I am a Sustaining Member and want to update my payment information
Update the payment information or change the amount being charged on a recurring donation.
How do I add music tracks to my favorites list?
To add music tracks to your favorites list
How do I enter into Sweepstakes?
Learn how to enter our sweepstakes
How do I adjust volume?
Ad just the volume on iPad and Android devices